Selasa, 17 Desember 2013

A Christmas Gift Guide from the heart.

It's nearly been three weeks since my last post so I feel the need to explain myself.
I personally find Christmas a bit hard to chew and this year is no exception.
I don't know about you guys but I personally feel bombarded and slightly violated by all the product placements, advertisements, blogs and magazines all desperately trying to flog their Christmas stock off on you.
Everywhere you look, someone is trying to sell you something whether it be novelty underwear, a perfume gift set that will never come out of the box or something equally useless.

Am I a Scrooge?
Not at all, quite the opposite but I'm oldskool.
I believe in the spirit of Christmas which last time I checked didn't come with a price tag or a PR campaign.
I also believe that the spirit of Christmas should be adapted to everyday life all year round. 
Looking out for others, helping wherever possible and always remembering what is truly important.

Gift are fine but what do they really mean?
Is love defined by how much money is spent on you?
The bigger and more expensive the gift the bigger the heart?
Hmmmm not likely.
Some of the most meaningful gifts cost nothing at all except some thought, a bit of time and possibly some PVA glue if you're feeling creative. 
So without further ado here is my Alternative Christmas Gift Guide.

Donation to a charity/donating your time.

I used to think that donating to a charity as gift for someone was a bit mental.
As a child I used to watch the ads on TV to adopt a goat for charity which I thought was the best idea ever.
That was until I found out you weren't actually allowed to keep the goat and instead it just went to a family in need.
Now I see the beauty in helping someone better their own situation.

 I have recently started volunteering with Dogs Aid which is a volunteer run animal sanctuary.
It was started 26years ago by three amazing women and since they opened, they have helped to rehome, rehabilitate and rescue dogs in need.
They also have a "no-kill" policy so if the dog can't be rehomed due to it's temperament, they will keep it as a forever dog at their sanctuary or transfer it to another organisation that can help.

Dogs Aid have Christmas calenders available through their Facebook Page which make great Christmas  presents.
 They're only €6 or two for €10 and all the proceeds go to the sanctuary.
They also have an iDonate option on their website and you can donate anything from €10 to €1,000 and all the proceeds goes directly to the animals.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, simply contact the sanctuary on the link below.
What can be more generous than giving up some of your time to help those in need?

The Gift of Knowledge.

This is where I sound like an auld one but I really wish people still read books as much as they did pre-Kindle, iPad, Internet etc.
There are few things in life I get as much joy out of it as I do with a book.
With a book, you are forced to zone out of all the sounds and stresses of our modern world and take some time to sit quietly.
 You just focus on each and every page and get lost in a world that isn't of your own making.
So with that in mind, here are some of the books that have been getting my heart all a flutter recently and remember, books cost very little but are truly worth so much.

 Support the brands that are helping to support our planet and those that live on it.

 Even as a Makeup Artist I feel confused and bombarded by promises brands and products make.
We are shown images of overly photo shopped heavily endorsed celebrities promising us that their products/perfume will change your life and help make your dreams come true.
So you fork out the cash and what are you left with?
The same product you had before just packaged differently.

I believe in empowerment in it's purest form and true beauty and strength does not come from a bottle.
Recently I have made the decision to be as animal friendly/ethically friendly as possible in my work.
This includes things like using synthetic brushes over real animal hair etc, being aware of what ingredients are hiding in your products etc.

A brand to support for their moral stance on important issues like animal testing, fair trade ingredients for their products and campaigning for ethical issues are Lush.
Lush are an inspiration and are doing everything the right way in terms of their sourcing of ingredients, product development etc.
Not alot of people know but Lush do a great line of skincare products and makeup as well as their bath bombs and soaps.
I am a particularly big fan of their moisturisers which are jam packed with ingredients like Shea Butter, Almond Oil and Avocado Oil.

For Christmas, Lush have the most amazing range of gift sets which are available to suit all tastes and budgets. 
 All of their gift sets packaging (the little that there is) are recyclable and contain the most beautiful products.
If you want to buy someone a gift set for Christmas, I urge you to check out Lush before deciding to buy a bog-standard overly priced set.
Lush have Christmas sets down to a fine art at this stage and you can check them out their gift sets on their website or in store.

Overall what I'm trying to get across that the spirit of Christmas technically costs nothing but if you do want to spend a few euros, spend them wisely and give where you can.


A Christmas Gift Guide from the heart. Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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