Jumat, 27 Februari 2015

Training update and my "build-up-to-a-heavy-squat" process.

Who would have ever thought that squats could become such an important part of life!!
I truly never saw myself ever getting into weightlifting and now it's become quite a passion.
So much so that I've decided to compete in the IDFPA Single Lifts competition next year.
I followed the competition last weekend through their live stream on Youtube and it really opened my eyes to the possibility of giving it a try.
Now I've never been competitive about anything in my entire life.
Even when I used to do sports as a teenager I had zero interest in competing against other kids.

But I see it as a personal challenge and even if I went on the day of and couldn't lift 20kg, I'd still be proud that I did something different and gave it a go.
In life when something is scary, intimidating or we see a possibility of failure, it's so much easier for us not to try.
Why risk the possibility of it not working out and being embarrassed when you could just stay in your safe place at home and never take a risk.
Well the risk is always worth taking because it's called living your life to the fullest!!
I've now made a conscious decision to always try.

As the hardcore band Lionheart put it :

I'm looking forward to my new challenge and the excitement of what I could be capable of in twelve months time.
So with all that in mind I wanted to share a video that was taken two weeks ago.
It was my first time trying a 75kg squat which I was able to do which was great.
For some reason I went for a second rep which as you can see was incredibly difficult (and loud) but I still did it!
I've since gotten my squat up to 80kg and now I'm routing for 100kg!
So here is how I psych myself up by breathing so deeply I get slightly light headed!

In life say yes to new challenges, yes to new things and the only thing more embarrassing then failure is living a life where you never tried because you were afraid.


Training update and my "build-up-to-a-heavy-squat" process. Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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