Kamis, 13 November 2014

Sitges Film Festival 2014.

So the most random thing happened last month.
My boyfriend won a trip for two to the Sitges Film Festival in Barcelona for the premiere of Annabelle.
Possibly the most random thing to ever happen in our ten year relationship, nearly as random as how we first met.
He entered the competition through entertainment.ie thinking it was for the Dublin premiere not the Spanish one!
He even said if he knew it was for the Sitges premiere,  he probably wouldn't have entered.

He got the call on Monday afternoon, while we were en route to the gym, to say we were flying out to Barcelona first thing on Wednesday.
We both just sat in silence and in pure shock for about 20minutes!
I didn't think things like that happened to real people.
The strangest thing was Paul had booked that week off work and I didn't have work on until that weekend so we were both free to go.
It was such an amazing experience and looking back on it, it feels like a dream!

 This was the view from our balcony.
Just look at that sky!

We stayed at the Melia Sitges Hotel which is roughly 30minutes outside of Barcelona.
 The prize included a driver to transport us from the airport to our hotel so we got to ride in style.
The hotel was really beautiful and it came equipped with an outdoor pool that we took full advantage of.

Our hotel was about 20minutes walk from the centre of town and it was around 28degrees most of the time.
As a couple that live in black skinny jeans and converse, we were pretty roasted the majority of the time but it was great.
SPF 50 anyone!

Compulsory ridiculous face shot!
How amazing is this promenade?

 I kept taking pictures of Paul without his knowledge poor flower!
The palm trees were awesome and there were lots of super colourful birds hiding in them!

Handknit zombies!! 
Possibly the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life!

The Sitges Film Festival is an alternative festival that showcases lots of horror and sci-fi movies and draws a really interesting crowd.
All along the beach there were lots of stalls selling awesome horror t-shirts and movie merchandise.
I totally feel in love with these cute zombies that someone had made!

We came across a few feral cats that were being well looked after by the locals and I had to take a picture of this little guy enjoying the shade of an old tree.

The only downside to our trip was trying to find some good vegetarian food.
Pretty much all of the restaurants we came across just served meat tapas and as two serious foodies, we were determined to find something awesome.
I found the Beach House Restaurant online which was a vegetarian friendly restaurant that had lots of great reviews. 
We tracked it down on the promenade and I was so glad we found it!
They did a three course meal for €14 per person and the food was so delicious.
Everything was fresh, really well put together and just so tasty.
One of the highlights of the trip for sure!

Paul was slightly more excited about Annabelle than I was.
I was excited but I also knew it would scare the hell out of me.
The feeling in the theatre was pretty electric and I'd say there was around a thousand people there.
There was a slight stampede when they opened the doors as everyone wanted to get a good seat!
Before the movie there was a trailer for Interstellar which was dubbed in Spanish.
Paul and I both looked at each other and it suddenly dawned on us that Annabelle could be in Spanish.
We had plotted a speedy exit if it was but luckily it was in English with Spanish subtitles.

There was a freaky Annabelle mask for everyone in the audience and mine came in handy when I wanted to hide from the scariest moments of the movie.
By the end, the back of mine was covered in makeup from being held so close to my face!
I have to say the Spanish audience were pretty amazing.
After every really scary part, the entire audience applauded so it took a bit of the edge off.
There were quite a few screams as well which was pretty gas!

Paul saw it fitting to leave his mask in the bathroom for housekeeping in the hotel.
Mine was thrown into a nearby bin the second the movie was over because the idea of it being in our room while I slept freaked me out!

Overall we had an amazing time and I'd strongly recommend visiting Sitges if you ever get the chance.
The film festival was lot of fun and apparently Antonio Banderas was in our hotel!!!
Life made!


Sitges Film Festival 2014. Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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