Senin, 13 Oktober 2014

"The Right Stuff" : CoraLlei.

This months "The Right Stuff" feature is all about a very special brand indeed.
CoraLlei is an Irish Luxury Vegan Leather Handbag brand founded by the utterly superb Lorna Burton and also recently approved by Peta!

Photos by Anita Sadowska-Horne.

In my eyes Lorna has everything on point in terms of her designs and also in her morals.
Her business ethics are truly inspiring and her belief that her work shouldn't negatively affect the welfare of animals, her fellow humans or the environment is awesome.
More designers like this please!!

 So here it is!

Love is........the reaction you receive from a loved one when you walk into the room.

Beauty Fathers smile. 
It lights up the room and my world.

I should the present moment more often.
If Eckhart Tolle taught me anything it was that.

I love samples arrive back from Italy.
It's like Christmas morning as I excitedly unwrap all of the boxes.

If I was a bird........I'd avoid crows at all costs.

I dance to the beat own drum and anything that comes on the radio.

I wish I had written........"Desiderata" by Max Ehrmann.
"Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
 and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
 be on good terms with all persons".

I always find myself........singing 1980's power ballads whilst driving.
Who could resist Foreigner?

My hearts skips a beat when........I remember the time I fell in love with my boyfriend.

I'm afraid of........cats!!
Terrified would be more of an appropriate term.

I look up family.
They are my world.

The way to my heart is........through laughter and chocolate.

The colour pink makes me feel........confused.

You know what really grinds my gears?
Dangerous drivers, the tailgaters.
You'll see steam billowing from my ears when we cross paths! 


 You can check out the official CoraLlei website on the link below!


"The Right Stuff" : CoraLlei. Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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