Kamis, 23 Oktober 2014

Lush Challenge.

I suffer from hormonal acne which is both unpleasant, a bit of a blow to the old self-esteem and not very glam.
I suffered with acne as a teenager but it went away in my late teens.
The hormonal acne raised it's ugly head about a year ago and it's caused from my choice of contraception.
Ladies we really do get it tough don't we?
You don't want to get pregnant so you use contraception.
You use contraception and it can lead to all kinds of awful things like weight gain, acne, mood swings, depression etc etc etc.
Anyways I'm searching for the solution!

I have tried a whole host of things from my Doctor which has included every cream, anti-biotic and lotion.
A few things worked for a couple of days but then it just went back to the way it was.
I have also been doing some research and they recommend that a clean lifestyle can help.
I'm a non-drinker, non-smoker, vegetarian and three-times-a-week-gym-goer but apparently that isn't clean enough!

I have recently started taking two natural supplements that are hailed as the natural cure to hormonal acne.
They are Agnus Castus and Milk Thistle.

They both help to regulate hormones which should lead to the happy land over the rainbow where the perfect skin can be found.
The only catch is you need to be taking them for three-six months to notice any results.
I'm nearly two months in.


When I was first told you'd need to take them for a few months before you saw any results I thought it was a bit of a scam to keep you buying them.
But I stand corrected.
Each bottle lasts for like two months and they are less than €10 so it's not like the companies have millions to make!

So where do Lush come in?
Well I'm a big believer in all things natural wherever possible.
Lush have done fantastic things for my hair and body so why haven't I tried out their facial cleansers?
I have no idea.
I've decided to use nothing on my face apart from Lush products for the next month and I'm hoping this will be my solution.
So last weekend, accompanied by my loveheart, we went into Lush on Grafton to see what their facial products could offer.
I went with the following.

Ultrabland Cleanser.

I was attracted to this cleanser because is said this :
"For people with really problem skin use nothing but Ultrabland for one month to bring your skin back into balance".
I figured I'm definitely in that group so I picked one up.
They recommend applying a good amount all over the face, avoiding eyes, and either remove it with a cotton pad or a wet face cloth.
Some of the key ingredients include almond oil, rose water and beeswax.
I'm going to be using a makeup remover to remove my eye makeup but apart from that, this will be the only product I use to cleanse my face.

 Mask of Magnaminty.

This face is described as a :
 "peppermint mask that does everything it can to fight eruptions and outbreaks and return your skin to tip top condition".
Sounds pretty great doesn't it?
I figured if I used this on my main areas of acne to help it along it could help.
They recommend applying the mask all over the face, avoiding the eyes, leave for five to ten minutes and then gently scrub off with warm water.
The mask isn't super thick so you can apply it pretty easily and it smells like the sexiest toothpaste ever!
I'm using this mask a few times a week and it was around €10.

Skin Drink.

This moisturiser has been a favourite of mine ever since I first tried it a few years ago.
It's made with sesame oil, almond oil, aloe vera and cocoa butter to name but a few.
It's one of those cream that your skin feels instantly awesome after you apply it.
They describe it as a "rich sesame oil cream designed to leave a supple protective layer on the face without being greasy".
That's exactly what it does!
It sells for €16 and it's the only moisturiser I'll be using for the next month.

Ocean Salt.

This is one of my favourite skincare products of all time.
It's a face and body scrub made of sea salt, organic limes and avocado butter.
What more could you possibly want in life!
Apply a small amount to wet skin, scrub away the bad stuff like dead skin cells and blocked pores and then rinse off for a fresh start.
I get alot of blocked pores on my chin so I'm going to be using this once or twice a week.
It sells for around €15.

So I'll let you know how I get on and fingers crossed Lush might have the answer!



Lush Challenge. Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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