Selasa, 13 Agustus 2013

"But I always could accessorize......"

Todays post will sound a bit like a confession but I'm ok with that

I've come to terms with my obsession with accessories and jewellery.
I love them all.
 All different shapes and sizes.
The more ridiculous looking the better.
If I see some costume jewellery and can imagine Joan Collins wearing it, I want it.

"Some people look to God for enlightenment.
I personally look to Joan".

When I'm shopping for jewels, I feel like a addict going to get their fix.
Sounds a bit dramatic I know.
I get such a rush, an overwhelming sense of excitement.
 A bead of sweat will fall down on my brow as I try to decide which ridiculously over-the-top piece to go for.
I'm hoping no-one is watching as I'm painfully trying to decide what pair of earrings to put back.
6 pairs are enough.
Or are they?

So I decided to compile a list of some of my favourite places to go for my fix.
Accessory addicts should probably look away now.

1 : Forever 21.

Since I discovered Forever 21s jewellery section, I'm there quite a lot.
Their jewellery lines are super cheap, lots of bling and overall just amazing.
Alot of their jewels will turn your skin green after a while but as you've only paid a few euros for them, you won't be too bothered now will you?

2 : Topshop.

 I will be completely honest with you.
 I used to always give out about Topshop and I occasionally still do.
I have a valid reason though.
The way everyone goes on about Topshop is a bit over-the-top.
Like it's the second coming or something.
Alot of people feel like it's some kind of bold statement saying that they shop there and it just made me go blah.
 So for years, I never ventured inside to avoid being greeted by overpriced, mediocre clothing and irritating shoppers.

2013 brought about a change though.

I discovered that even though they sell alot of things that I would never wear, they occasionally have some pieces I really like.
More importantly, their jewellery section is kind of to die for.
I'm particularly partial to their earrings and as Nelly Furtado once said, "the bigger the better".

Some of their costume jewellery pieces are completely overpriced and are selling for around €70.
Ridiculous carry on.
But their regular jewellery line is much more reasonably priced.
One crutial piece of advise though:

Always keep your receipt because I've had a few bits that broke before I even got them home.
Just meant I got to go back and pick out something else.
No real harm done.

3 : Galibardy.

I will admit that I went through a bit of an obsession with this site for two reason.

1 : The great thing about Galibardy is that they put up new jewellery all the time.
2 : The bad thing about Galibardy is that they put up new jewellery all the time.

Good for your wardrobe but bad for your bank account.
Galibardy do some of the most unique pieces and I've included some of my favourites below.

Galibardys pieces aren't overly expensive so you can order a few at a time.
Sure there's no point wasting the €8 shipping to Ireland on one little thing now sure it's not?
Galibardy, I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you!


"But I always could accessorize......" Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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